Bertha Grooms
Oil Painter
Bertha Grooms is a native of Indianapolis Ind.
A gifted artist, she creates images from the Black experience of the past and present. Her ability to create oil paintings related to the 1700's and 1800's is profound.
When her natural talent was discovered at the age of seven by her second grade teacher, she was encouraged to pursue art through out her school years. Oil painting became her choice of medium.
Her summers as a child were spent with her great-grandmother. During the twenties and thirties she was told about slavery. These stories, told to her by her mother and grandmother, left Bertha Grooms with a treasure of memories that she began to visualize and paint.
My interests:
The month of Aug. 1999 her work was presented at the Harriet Beecher Stowe Memorial Museum in Cincinnati, Ohio it was viewed by grade school classes, Miami University students, the National Association of Underground Women and scores of others. Bertha Grooms is the recipient of first place awards from Indiana Black Expo, Indiana State Fair among others. Her work is in collections in Tenn., New York, Ohio, Las Vegas, and Washington D.C. Her willingness to paint these historical events has stirred many a heart.
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